UP 2 Child Policy Uttar Pradesh Govt Population Control Bill Draft PDF
Finally, Uttar Pradesh Jansankhya Niyantran Kanoon policies are in regulation. Recently the Uttar Pradesh Government imposed the 2 Child Policy. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced Govt Population Control Bill officially on July 11, 2021. All of you have to read the UP 2 Child Policy Bill Draft PDF available on this website. Further, know about UP Two Child Policy Rules, Benefits, and other important guidelines. UP 2 Child Policy will be drafted on 19th July 2021.
Uttar Pradesh state is the highest population state in India with 21 crores. Now the fertility rate of the state is 2.7 percent. Due to the high explosion of the population Govt had applied the UP 2 Child Policy 2021. The aim of the Uttar Pradesh Govt Population Control Bill is to control the excess birth rate. Now check the UP Govt 2 Child Bill at the Uttar Pradesh Government State Law Commission official website.

Uttar Pradesh Govt Population Control Bill
Uttar Pradesh Govt has come up with UP Birth Control Policy in the form of Jansankhya Niyantran Kanoon. Before the upcoming elections, Yogi Sarkar Vidhi Aayog gives UP 2 Child Policy Draft Bill. The step has to be taken for Birth control, Population Stabilization, and welfare.
The Uttar Pradesh Population Control, Stabilization, and Welfare Draft Bill 2021 has been passed under UP State Law Commission UPSLC. The main focus of the Uttar Pradesh Two Child Policy bill is that whoever will not follow guidelines should restrict to get Government jobs. You must know more about UP Govt Population Control Bill Draft, Suggestions, etc.
PM Kisan 9th Installment August 2021
State Law Commission UP Population Control Policy Status
Policy Name | UP Population Control, Stabilization and Welfare Bill 2021 |
Draft Bill Proposed Date | 11th July 2021 |
UP Two Child Policy Proposed by | State Law Commission, Uttar Pradesh |
Policy Drafted Date | 19th July 2021 |
Aim of Policy/ Bill | To control Population |
Official Web | upslc.upsdc.gov.in |
UP State Population | 20.42 Crore (2011-12) |
UP Population Control Bill Draft PDF in Hindi
Friends, this UP 2 Child Policy 2021 is only applicable for the Married couples. Rest of other people are not affect from this State Law Commission UP Population Control Bill Draft PDF in Hindi. There are various type of Regulations are imposed in the UP Child Policy.
उत्तर प्रदेश जनसंख्या नियंत्रण बिल के अंतर्गत कौन कौन से दम्पति आते हैं की जानकारी यहाँ देखें।
- यदि किसी दंपत्ति को 01.01.2021 को बच्चा हुआ है और 01.01.2023 तक उन्होंने अपने दूसरे बच्चे को जन्म दिया है तो यह जनसँख्या नियंत्रण कानून के तहत उल्लंघन नहीं हैं।
- यदि किसी दंपत्ति को 01.01.2021 को बच्चा हुआ है और दूसरी गर्भावस्था में जुड़वाँ बच्चों को जन्म देता है तो यह किसी भी उल्लंघन के अधीन नहीं हैं।
- यदि किसी दंपत्ति को 01.01.2021 को पहली गर्भावस्था से दो बच्चे हैं और 01.01.2023 को दूसरी गर्भावस्था से दो और बच्चों को जन्म दिया है, तो आप यूपी सरकार की इस नीति का उल्लंघन करेंगे।
- यदि किसी दंपत्ति की शादी से कोई बच्चा नहीं है और उन्होंने दो बच्चों को गोद लिया है तो यह किसी भी उल्लंघन के अधीन नहीं है। लेकिन उन्होंने दो से अधिक बच्चों को गोद लिया था, तो वे उल्लंघन के अधीन हैं।
- यदि किसी दंपति की शादी से दो बच्चे थे और उन्होंने एक और बच्चे को गोद लिया था तो यह उल्लंघन में नहीं हैं। लेकिन अगर उन्होंने दो या दो से अधिक बच्चों को गोद लिया था तो भी वे 2 बच्चे की नीति के उल्लंघन में शामिल हैं।
UP Two Child Policy for Birth Control
Readers now make attention to the whole points of UP 2 Child Policy 2021. Moreover, it UP Population Control Bill is still a Draft bill. Many modifications should be done before the finalization of the Uttar Pradesh Govt Population Control Bill by the Law commission. For the past few years, India is facing the Unemployment issue. The higher population explosion is also a reason for the deficiency of Employment and Govt Jobs. Therefore, UP Two Child Policy is a great initiative from the Govt side. Now all of you read the UP Two Children Birth Control/ Jansankhya Niyantran Kanoon Policies at www.upslc.upsdc.gov.in web portal. Here we have also mentioned UP 2 Child Policy Uttar Pradesh Govt Population Control Bill Draft PDF Download direct link.
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Uttar Pradesh Population Control Bill Draft Policies PDF Download Rules
UP Population Control Bill for Government, Private employees are presented here. There are various rules in the UP 2 Child Policy 2021. Usually, govt will refuse to give Govt Jobs to candidates having more than 2 children.
- A person who is not a Govt Servant will get a rebate on Electricity Bills, Home Loans, taxes, and various other discounts.
- Bill also has limited the Ration Cards Unit to 4.
- Govt Servant who follows the UP Two Child Policy will get many incentives.
- The government gives Soft Loans for Construction at minimal rates.
- Give discounts for Govt Employees on Home Loans and Electricity.
- Govt employees also get two additional increments in their service line.
- On purchasing Land, buildings, and Houses also get Subsidies.
- Free Health Care facility and Insurance coverage facility.
- Female Govt Employees get maternity leaves with Full Salary.
- Fund Contributions under pension policies get a 3 % surge.
- Give approximately 80000 to the Boy child below the poverty line people and 100000 to the Girl child below the poverty line.
UP 2 Child Policy Draft PDF | Download PDF |
Official UPSLC Website | Visit Now |
Suggestion Send by Email | statelawcommission2018@gmail.com |
UPSLC Two Child Policy Uttar Pradesh Suggestions
Readers, Various norms, Rules, and Points are mentioned in the Uttar Pradesh 2 Child Policy 2021. However, UP 2 Child Policy 2021 is only a draft bill. Govt is asking for suggestions from people to amend and add other ideas to improve the Draft. Many individuals are sending their suggestions on the UP Two Child Policy Population Control Bill Draft by Email at statelawcommission2018@gmail.com. If you need Uttar Pradesh Govt Population Control Bill Draft PDF in Hindi then Download it from this portal. Stay tuned to check the UP Two Child Policy Final bill update at this portal.
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