
Our website is https://ayushmanuttarakhand.org. AUCOE represents for All University Counselling & Exam. Our domain aucoe.info is not affiliated with Andhra University or any other government organisation. The official website of Andhra University is https://www.andhrauniversity.edu.in/ & https://aucoeonline.com/. The domain name resemblance is merely a coincidence. We do not claim to be a government body or anyhow connected with Andhra University.

This website https://ayushmanuttarakhand.org is a private web portal named All University Counselling & Exam. Our team have created this website just with one motive in mind, to provide latest news related to Sarkari Naukari, Sarkari Results, Sarkari Yojana, News related to Tech World, Sports News etc to our readers. We try to provide authentic content on this website.

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