All those participants who are preparing Telangana SSC Exam and trying their level best to get good results are inquisitive to learn about the exam dates. Yes, if you have been constantly searching on the internet regarding the TS SSC Time Table 2023. You have come to the right place. This post entails, time table, important dates, preparation tips and much more.
Telangana Board Class 10th Time Table 2023 will be out soon. You can wait for the TS SSC 10th Exam Date 2023 for the upcoming examination. Check this full page at the end for the details…

TS SSC Time Table 2023
As per the news, the board has published the Telangana SSC Time Table 2023 on their official home page i.e. so, candidates have to download their respective timetables and gear up their preparation accordingly. As you all know boards examination has an important role to play in one’s academic and career life. Students are advised to take the board examination seriously in order to secure a decent percentage that will help to choose the stream they want to pursue ahead in their lives.
The great news is that Telangana has released the TS SSC Exam Time Table on the official website. So, students searching for the same need not waste their precious time because you can download the respective timetable and get clarity of the subject wise exam dates.
Telangana SSC Exam Time Table 2023 Highlights
Name of Examination | TS SSC Exam 2023 |
Board Conducting this Exam | Directorate of Government Examinations, Telangana |
Academic Session | 2023 |
Exam Type | Annual SSC Examinations |
Exam Location | Telangana State |
SSC Exam Commencement Date | May 2023 |
SSC Exam Last Date | May 2023 |
Article Category | TS SSC Time Table 2023 |
Time Table Announcement Date | January 2023 (Expected) |
Official Website | |
SSC Time Table 2023 | Intermediate Time Table 2023
TS SSC Exam Dates 2023
Examinations | Important Dates |
Announcement of the Time Table | January 2023 |
Exams will be Commence from | 2nd Week of March 2023 |
Exams will End On | 1st Week of April 2023 |
Telangana SSC Time Table 2023 (Tentative)
TS SSC Tentative Exam Dates | Examination Name |
April 2023 | First Language Paper-I (Group A) First Language Paper-I (Composite Course) |
April 2023 | First Language Paper-II (Group A) First Language Paper-II (Composite Course) |
April 2023 | Second Language |
April 2023 | English Paper-I |
April 2023 | English Paper-II |
April 2023 | Mathematics Paper-I |
May 2023 | Mathematics Paper-II |
May 2023 | General Science Paper-I |
May 2023 | General Science Paper-II |
May 2023 | Social Studies Paper-I |
May 2023 | Social Studies Paper-II |
May 2023 | OSSC Main Language Paper-I (Sanskrit and Arabic) |
May 2023 | OSSC Main Language Paper-II (Sanskrit and Arabic) |
May 2023 | SSC Vocational Course (Theory) | 10th Class Exam Preparation Tips
Exam days are filled with nervousness, doubts, and stress. And to ease that stress of yours we have some quick preparation hacks to help you sail successfully in the upcoming Telangana examination. Students can easily check their TS SSC Exam Schedule 2023 from the official web portal as soon as it is announced and published on the official web portal.
Solve more and more sample papers and ask out for guidance. Don’t over pressurize and make a systematic and consolidated Telangana 10th board timetable and stick to it. Keep it simple rather than complicated and then you are good to go.
How to Download Telangana 10th Class Time Table 2023
All those students preparing for the examination are eagerly waiting to download the admit card. Please go through the below given steps:-
- You are required to visit the official website of the Telangana Board i.e.
- You will then be directed to the homepage.
- You are supposed to click the link “TS SSC Time Table 2023”
- Hit the download button and take an extra copy for future reference.
- Now, that you have got your timetable, what is stopping you get set with the preparation and nailing the examination?
Frequently Asked Questions regarding TS SSC Time Table 2023
A lot of partakers have a few common queries in their minds which we have answered briefly for you.
How to Download Telangana SSC Time Table 2023?
Interested candidates can download their respective Telangana SSC public exam timetable from the official website that is i.e. Check the details on the timetable and get started with the preparation. All the best.
What is the significance of the Telangana SSC timetable?
It will act as a road map to your success and help you plan well and systematically. The timetable will highlight important dates, instructions to be adhered to by the students and subject names.
How to Download the Telangana SSC Time Table 2023?
Students can download their TS SSC Exam Time Table 2023 by following the steps mentioned above in this post.
TS SSC Time Table 2023 | Available Soon |
Official Website | |
Final Words
Hope it has been an informative as well as useful read guys. If you find the above useful then please do share or spread across contestants who are preparing for Telangana SSC Examinations. Boards exams are of greater significance in student’s life without them, you won’t be able to gauge your knowledge level and academic status. I hope all the partakers are preparing sincerely to achieve great scores and study hard to achieve their goals.
Also, if you have any queries, problems or doubts feel free to seek our assistance. Yes, you can correspond with me through the comment section given below.