CSBC Constable Expected Cut Off Marks 2023, Bihar Police Constable Cut Off 2023, CSBC Sipahi Previous and Expected Cutoff Marks 2023 for Male and Female Candidates.
The written examination was conducted for 8415 posts of Bihar Police Constable on March 2023 and the exam was organized in two shifts. A total of 100 questions of General Knowledge, Hindi, English, Mathematics, and Current Affairs were asked in the exam. As per the examination, experts said that the applicants who have studied NCERT books and current affairs closely will have better results. According to experts, the Bihar Police Constable Cut Off 2023 for the general category is likely to be between 70 and 72.

Bihar Police Constable Cut Off 2023
The Central Selection Board of Constables has now shortlisted applicants after a written test on the basis of cut-off marks. There will be a criterion for applicants qualifying for the Physical Test of each category. So the board will be fixed some minimum qualifying marks criteria for CSBC Bihar Sipahi Expected Male Female Cut Off 2023. However, the applicants have to secure minimum passing marks of their respective UR, OBC, SC, and ST Category cutoff according. Applicants who score less than the cut-off marks in the written examination will be declared unsuccessful for the physical efficiency test.
All the applicants who have worked hard in their exams are eagerly waiting for their results to move forward to the next stage. So we want to intimate everyone to have some patience as the evaluation process goes on. Bihar Central Selection Board of Constables (CSBC Bihar) will update the Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023 Cut Off on its official website soon. Applicants are advised to get connected with the official website with us to get all the updates related to the examination of Office Assistant and various other posts. Applicants are advised to get in touch with the CSBC website for the latest updates regarding Bihar Police. The latest news related to Bihar Police Constable Examination is also available on our website.
Bihar Police Constable Result 2023 { Date & Time }
Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023 Cutoff Marks Details
Organization Name | Central Selection Board of Constable |
Name of the post | Bihar Police Constable |
Total Vacancies by CSBC | 8415 Posts |
CSBC Bihar Police Constable Exam Date | March 2023 |
CSBC Bihar Constable Cut Off 2023 | Available Soon |
CSBC Bihar Police Constable Result Status | Available Soon |
Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023 Merit List | Available Soon |
Official Website | csbc.bih.nic.in |
CSBC Bihar Sipahi Expected Male Female Cut Off 2023
Central Selection Board of Constables conducted the Bihar Police Constable exam in March 2023 for the recruitment of 8415 vacancies in various departments. CSBC has released the result where various applicants were declared qualified. Applicants qualifying for the written examination will undergo the Physical Endurance Test that will determine the final selection of applicants in the said examination. The Bihar Police Sipahi Expected Male cut-off 2023 differs according to the category. What are the minimum marks required by the applicants to qualify for the Bihar Police Constable written exam? Find out on this page.
Bihar Police Forest Guard Result 2023 { Date & Time }
Check the details of the CSBC Bihar Police Sipahi Expected Female cut-off 2023 from this section. Here, you can find the details containing the cut-off based on the category of the applicant. Here, in the table, we had given the cut-off details in percentage and these details will be available only on the Official website of the Bihar Police Department. The Cut Off Marks will be calculated based on many different factors, so guys go through the given factors given below to get an idea.
- The difficulty level of the Bihar Police Constable exam 2023
- The overall number of appeared applicants
- Category applied by the applicants
Expected Cut Off Marks for Male and Female
Category Wise | Male Applicants (Marks) | Female Applicants (Marks) |
General | 50 to 55 | 43 to 48 |
OBC | 45 to 50 | 37 to 42 |
SC | 38 to 44 | 31 to 36 |
ST | 38 to 44 | 31 to 36 |
Download csbc.bih.nic.in Police Constable Merit List 2023 PDF
सेंट्रल सिलेक्शन बोर्ड ऑफ कॉन्स्टेबल द्वारा मेरिट लिस्ट कैसे बनाई जाती है? क्या यह केवल लिखित परीक्षा के अंकों के आधार पर तैयार किया जाता है या इसके अलावा अन्य कारक या चरण हैं? जाहिर है, आपके मन में सवाल उठ रहे होंगे कि आप को भ्रमित करते रहें। वास्तव में, आप सही हैं क्योंकि Bihar Police Constable Merit List 2023 Online PDF लिखित परीक्षा में प्राप्त कुल अंकों के माध्यम से तैयार किया जाएगा। सफल लोगों को अगले दौर में उनकी उपस्थिति के संबंध में बोर्ड से कॉल प्राप्त होगी। इसलिए फिजिकल टेस्ट का ज्ञान होना अत्यंत अनिवार्य है।
The aspirant who scores the maximum marks in the Written Exam is shortlisted on the merit list of Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023. It is necessary to check the merit list to verify the list of merit applicants who are eligible for the next round. So you can check the merit list from the official website @ csbc.bih.nic.in. Or else, you can check the merit list from the provided link. If something continues to confuse you regarding the merit list you should contact the CSBC right away by using the contact details. You can forward all of your queries to the authorized helpline address which is available on the official website.
Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023 Selection Process
- Written Examination for Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023
- Physical Test for Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023
- Medical test for Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023
- Merit List for Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023
Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023 Total Vacancy
Category | Vacant Posts |
General | 3489 |
Economically Weaker Section | 842 |
Scheduled Caste | 1307 |
Scheduled Tribe | 82 |
Extremely Backward Class | 1470 |
Backward Class | 980 |
Females of Backward Class | 245 |
Total | 8415 |
How To Check Bihar Police Constable Cut Off 2023?
- First, open the official site of the Central Selection Board of Constable
- By landing on the home page, applicants can find the Bihar Police Constable Results link.
- Now, search for the Bihar Police Constable Cut Off 2023 link.
- After finding the link, click on it and enter the login details if required, and hit on submit.
- The Bihar Police Constable Cut Off 2021 will be shown now check the cut off list and download them.
- Take a hard copy of the Bihar Police Constable Cut Off for future use.
Bihar Police Constable CutOff 2023 FAQ
What is the Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023 Result Release Date?
The Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023 Result will be announced after a few weeks so dear applicant keeps patient.
Can I Know the Bihar Police Constable Exam 2023 Cut-Off Marks?
The Bihar Police Constable Exam 2023 Cut-Off Marks will be given according to the categories prior to the declaration of the result.
When was the CSBC Bihar Sipahi Exam 2023 conducted?
The CSBC Bihar Sipahi Exam was conducted in March 2023.
Bihar Police Constable Cut Off 2023 | Available Soon |
Official Website | https://csbc.bih.nic.in/ |