AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Result 2023 Download CutOff Marks & Merit List

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur has conducted the Staff Nurse Grade 1 & 2 Exam 2023 at various centers and now all the aspirants are looking for the AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Result 2023 so they can move ahead in this recruitment. So, all those applicants who have appeared for the exams as now they can check the status of the result after a short period of time. Aspirants can check whether they are selected or not by the medium of the online link which is also posted on this page so don’t go anywhere else. Aspirants can also check the cut off marks and merit list from this page as we have arranged all the necessary information regarding it so that you get the update of all the true information released by the board of the AIIMS, Raipur.

AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Result 2023

Readers now should concentrate on the current notification of hiring formations as with the news, we have settled all functions which are in relation to the subject of AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Grade I & II Result 2023 and it cleared that of late an exam was conducted for linking level of Staff Nurse. Hereafter the aspirants are in the line of searching to find out how many marks will have to achieve to clear the exam with implement ways of cut off marks along the side of confirmation and that is merit list. After a short day, you will get the exact status of the result.So, be ready to check the performance that you have shown in the exam as within a few days of the time you will come to know whether you are in or out. Interested applicants who have applied for the 475 Posts can check their result

As recently the recruitment board of the All India Institutes of Medical Sciences, Raipur has notified that after observing the positive news from the examiners that the exam was held successfully and peacefully they set their mind to announcing the AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Grade Result 2023 Online which you can watch only from the page of the portal link which is available on this track and the result link will get activated rapidly. Lots of aspirants took the part in the written exam of recruitment which was held quietly and without any hindrance so the recruitment board has decided to upload the result soon so that aspirants can start their job rapidly.

AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Exam Result 2023 Overview

Exam takerAll India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur
Name of the online testStaff Nurse Grade 1 & 2 Exam 2023
Position NameStaff Nurse
Total vacancies to be filled475
Exam DateFebruary 2023
CategoryExam Result
AIIMS Raipur ResultAvailable Soon
Cutoff MarksAvailable Soon
Merit ListAvailable Soon
URL of the Official

AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Grade I & II Exam 2023 CutOff Marks

If you are searching for the cut off marks here and there then don’t need to take tense because the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur has not released the overall cut off marks yet for all communities SC, ST, OBC, and UR. If in case any aspirant will fail to score the due percentage then he will not be able to get this job. It is compulsory for all the aspirants to crack the AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse CutOff Marks 2023 as only after that they can check their names in the merit list. It is a dream of immense numbers of job-hunters to become Staff Nurses at AIIMS and with this idea in their mind, they submitted the application. Now, everything shall be crystal clear to aspirants who want to know if there is a limit of marks to obtain to pass the written test. Guy’s CutOff Marks will depend on the below-given factors too:

  • Category-wise cut off SC/ ST/ BC/ General Category.
  • Past years Staff Nurse Grade 1 & 2 Exam Cut Off Marks.
  • Count of openings available by AIIMS
  • Hardness/ Toughness level of the Staff Nurse Grade 1 & 2 Exam 2023.
CategoryCut off Marks (Expected)

Download Staff Nurse Merit List 2023 PDF

If you want to check the merit list then you have to wait for some days because the merit list will be uploaded only after the declaration of the result. The All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur will set the merit list only on the official URL in the form of a PDF file so to watch it you have to download it this list will include the names of all the selected aspirants and if any aspirant name is not mentioned in it then it means that he/she will not be shortlisted for this vacancy. Over and above the result of AIIMS, aspirants should also think about the AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Grade I & II Merit List 2023 Online as if, it is another rule of confirmation that you selected. Merit List will arrange on the URL of the Official Website so that clear the last decision by the authority then really have to go via this link.

How to Get AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Result 2023

  1. Go to the official URL @ and the Home page of AIIMS Raipur will be flashed on the screen.
  2. And now click on Recruitment, then click the Vacancies Result section, and otherwise, on the home page, Scroll down to get Notice Board.
  3. Watch for AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Result 2023 Online PDF and then click on it, the result will be flashed on the screen.
  4. Then take the hard copy of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur Staff Nurse Result 2023 for future reference.
AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Result 2023Available Soon
Official Website

AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Results 2023 FAQs

Is the AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Grade 1 & 2 Result Released?

No, AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Grade 1 & 2 Result has not been released

Where can I view the AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Result 2023 CutOff Marks & Merit List?

All the aspirants can view the AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Result 2023 CutOff Marks & Merit List from this article by using the given link and also, get it from the official site @

Which authority conducted the AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Grade 1 & 2 Exam 2023?

AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Grade 1 & 2 Exam 2023 was conducted by All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur.

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