The wait for reservation determination in the three-tier panchayat elections was over on 2nd March and now we are heading toward the UP Gram Panchayat Chunav Result. The provisional list will be published soon. However, for the publication of this list on behalf of the government, the time has been given for two as well as three marches. Objections will be sought after this. After their disposal, the final list will be published on 14 March.

Reservation was fixed for all posts of Gram Panchayat members, Pradhan, BDC members, blockhead, and Zilla Panchayat members. A few days back, verification work took place under the supervision of CDO. It is believed that after the provisional list of reservations is published, the electoral movement in the panchayats will increase. The election campaign will now gain momentum. There may also be a dispute between the two contenders to save voters.
Latest Update 2 May:- UP Gram Panchayat Election Vote Counting is commenced and the result is expected to be declared shortly. Stay tuned to this web page for all the latest updates.
UP Gram Panchayat Chunav Result
This time there has been a decrease in the number of panchayats and wards due to partial delimitation. There are 1294 gram panchayats in place of 1354 gram panchayats. At the same time, the number of gram panchayat wards in 2015 was 17188, which has been reduced to 16378 this year. Similarly, the last time the number of Kshetra Panchayat wards was 1818, it has been reduced to 1700 this time. Guys the UP Gram Panchayat Chunav Results will be out soon. The number of district panchayat wards has also come down from 73 to 68.
After the provisional list of reservations, written objections can be lodged from March 4 to 8. Objections can also be applied to the blocks. From there all the objections will be collected at the Zilla Panchayat Raj Adhikari (DPRO) office. The work of disposing of objections will be done from three days 9 to 12 March. The final list of reservations will be published from 13 to 14 March. On March 15, the reservation allocation list will be sent by the District Election Officer to the Directorate of Panchayati Raj.
UP Gram Panchayat Chunav Reservation List
UP Gram Panchayat Election Details
Name of Election | UP Gram Panchayat Election |
Arrange by | State Election Commission, Uttar Pradesh |
Election | Village Panchayat |
Election phase | 2 |
Result Status | Available Soon |
Category | Result |
Result Release Date | April Month |
Name of State | Uttar Pradesh |
Official Website | | Gram Panchayat Reservation List
Uttar Pradesh Gram Panchayat Election Breaking News
The Uttar Pradesh government released the list of reservations for the three-tier panchayat elections. The list of allotment of reserved and unreserved seats for women, scheduled tribes, scheduled castes, and backward classes was long awaited for the election. the wait for the Result of the Uttar Pradesh Gram Panchayat Election will be over soon. The list of reservations has been released for the elections to be held for the post of Panchayat elections, Zilla Panchayat members, Blockheads, and Panchayat members.
At the same time, the reservation list in the panchayat elections was passed at all district headquarters. It includes details of all gram panchayats. The reservation list for some areas was released on Monday night itself. Guys this time the Uttar Pradesh government is following the rotation system in the reservation. The lists have been prepared on this basis.
There are 826 seats of 3 thousand 51 blockheads of district panchayat members, 75 thousand 855 area panchayat members, 58 thousand 194 of village head posts, and 7 lahks 31 thousand 813 seats of gram panchayat members. 51 percent of these seats are unreserved. At the same time, 1 percent of Scheduled Tribes, 21 percent of Scheduled Castes, 27 percent of Other Backward Classes, and one-third of seats are reserved for women.
जिला पंचायत अध्यक्षों की आरक्षण की सूची
अनुसूचित जाति: कानपुर नगर , औरैया, चित्रकूट, महोबा, झांसी , जालौन, बाराबंकी, लखीमपुर खीरी , रायबरेली, मिर्जापुर जिला
अनुसूचित जाति (स्त्री): शामली, बागपत , लखनऊ , कौशांबी , सीतापुर , हरदोई जिला
अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग (स्त्री): संभल, हापुड़, एटा , बरेली , कुशीनगर, वाराणसी, बदायूं
अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग: आजमगढ़, बलिया, इटावा, फर्रुखाबाद, बांदा, ललितपुर, अंबेडकर नगर, पीलीभीत , बस्ती, संतकबीरनगर , चंदौली , सहारनपुर , मुजफ्फरनगर
स्त्रियों के लिए आरक्षित: कासगंज , फिरोजाबाद, मैनपुरी, मऊ, प्रतापगढ़ , कन्नौज, हमीरपुर , बहराइच, अमेठी , गाजीपुर , जौनपुर, सोनभद्र
अनारक्षित: अलीगढ़ , हाथरस, आगरा , मथुरा , प्रयागराज , फतेहपुर, कानपुर देहात , गोरखपुर, देवरिया , महाराजगंज , गोंडा , बलरामपुर , श्रावस्ती , अयोध्या, सुल्तानपुर, शाहजहांपुर , सिद्धार्थनगर , मुरादाबाद , बिजनौर , रामपुर, अमरोहा , मेरठ , बुलंदशहर , गाजियाबाद , गौतमबुद्धनगर, उन्नाव, भदोही
देखें आरक्षण का ब्योरा
ब्लॉक प्रमुख आरक्षण सूची
अनारक्षित | 314 |
महिला | 113 |
ओबीसी | 223 |
एसटी | 05 |
एससी | 171 |
कुल | 826 |
ग्राम प्रधान आरक्षण सूची
पद अनारक्षित | 20,368 |
महिला | 9,739 |
ओबीसी | 15,712 |
एससी | 12,045 |
एसटी | 330 | Gram Panchayat Election Result Date
The big news is coming about the three-tier panchayat elections to be held in Uttar Pradesh. This time panchayat elections can be held in four phases. There will be voting in 18 or 19 districts in every phase. According to sources, voting will be held for each of the four posts of Gram Pradhan, Gram Panchayat member, and area and Zilla Panchayat member in each district.
State Election Commission is constantly holding review meetings with the District Magistrates and other concerned officers regarding the preparations for the Panchayat elections. Soon we will update you about the UP Gram Panchayat Election Result Date, so watch this space for more updates.
We would like to tell you that the dates of the three-tier panchayat in Uttar Pradesh have not been announced, but it has been decided that these will be done before the board examination. Board exams are to be held in UP from April 24. In view of this, Assembly CM Yogi said that the panchayat elections will be completed before the board examination.
In view of the fact that there is no conflict between the dates of the UP Panchayat elections and the board exam, the State Election Commission has also taken a big decision. According to the Commission, not only the Block Headquarters but also a Digi College or other government building in the development block can be made a counting center, where the board will be the examination center.
UP Gram Panchayat Election Result – FAQ
Where to track the live updates of UP Gram Panchayat Election Results?
Visit for live updates of UP Gram Panchayat Election Results.
What is UP Gram Panchayat Election Result Date?
UP Gram Panchayat Chunav Result is going to release on 2nd May.
Who will release the UP Gram Panchayat Election Result?
State Election Commission, Uttar Pradesh will issue the UP Gram Panchayat Election Result.
UP Gram Panchayat Chunav Result | Available Here |
Official Website | |