Telangana GDS Merit List 2023 Download TS Post Office BPM ABPM Dak Sevak Expected Cut Off

All the candidates who had filled out the forms for Post Office GDS in Telangana should now be cautious as the officials have reported that they are going to start the selection process soon for which they will soon release the Telangana GDS Merit List 2023 through the official link only, whose link is given at the end of this page. As soon as we know that the merit list has been released, we will reach this news to you immediately. Here, we will again give you important information whenever any status is going to come about the result for this GDS Post and the merit list will be made to inform you about the hiring. The result of a candidate will share the details of Division, HO Name, SO Name, BO Name, Post Name, Category, Registration Number, and the Selected candidate with Percentage per hired users.

Telangana GDS Merit List 2021 Download TS Post Office BPM ABPM Dak Sevak Expected Cut Off

Telangana GDS Merit List 2023

If officials of Telangana Postal Circle will find any wrong information or document in the registration form of any candidates then that candidate will reject first and the merit list will not accept one another candidate for this post on the basis of the offered vacancies. To be part of one of the selected contenders for the GDS Job you have to be alert because the officials of the Indian Post Office have decided to upload the TS Postal GDS Cycle 3 Result 2023 shortly. So, the aspirants who have filled out their application forms to get the job in the Indian Post Office now they can check whether they are selected or not from the official URL.

The merit List will be the final list that shows the names of all the selected applicants and those whose name is not mentioned on the merit then he will miss this opportunity. The applicants will finally select for this recruitment on the basis of the o marks that they have obtained in the 10th class and it should be aggregated to the percentage to the accuracy of 4 decimals. The link to check the Telangana BPM ABPM Dak Sevak Merit List 2023 PDF is also provided on this page so don’t waste your time here and there to search it. After short days the Telangana Postal Circle will announce the merit list on the main web link so watch it with the help of our easiest steps that are arranged ahead.

TS Postal Circle GDS Result 2023 A Glance

Postal Circle NameTelangana 
Post NameGramin Dak Sevak (Cycle-III)
Job Designation Branch Postmaster (BPM), Assistant Branch Postmaster (ABPM), Dak Sevak Vacancy
Total Vacancies to be filled1150
Selection Process of GDSMerit List
Result DateMay 2023, Expected
Mode of ResultOnline 
Job LocationTelangana

Telangana Postal BPM ABPM Dak Sevak Expected Cut Off 2023

The point is this how do select every job applicant then we know what procedure will be followed to hire brilliant applicants. With the help of cut off, it can perfectly judge who will have got eligibility to get the job of Branch Postmaster (BPM), Assistant Branch Postmaster (ABPM), Dak Sevak Vacancy. Telangana Postal Circle GDS (Cycle-III) Cut Off 2023 attends in a different way according to the reserved and unreserved category with it and so guys below are the Expected Cut Off Marks with this you will get an idea about the result and if you have cracked this list then you will be having great chances to work with India post.

Telangana Post GDS Expected Cut Off Marks 2023

CategoryCut Off For vacancy
Other Backward Class91+279
Economically Weaker Section90+130
Persons with Disabilities- A86+09
Persons with Disabilities- B86+14
Persons with Disabilities- C86+15
General – Unreserved92+484
Scheduled Caste89+154
Scheduled Tribe89+65
Total Vacancy1,150

Download TS Merit List 2023 Online PDF

Very soon, the merit list is going to come through a PDF File and no weightage can be given for the qualification of higher education and only scores achieved in class 10th of the approved Board aggregated to the percentage to the accuracy of 4 decimals will be the criteria for the finalizing selection. In that case, the candidate gets a similar score of selection, the merit list rule would be taken for example Date of birth (upper age as merit), Female of SC, ST Female, Female of OBC, UR Female, Male of SC, ST Male, Male of OBC, UR Male. Officials are saying that they will not delay sending India Post GDS Merit List 2023 Telangana Recruitment in the sooner days and that’s why all the candidates should heed the releasing status of this merit list. All the aspirants can get their merit list by using a single web page. Job seekers, you can get your merit list on time when you will click on that link and that will open that web page of your merit list.

How to Get Telangana GDS Merit List 2023

  1. Visit the main website of the Telangana Postal Circle and which is marked in the above table.
  2. Now, scroll the page and select your ‘Circle/State’ for the recruitment of GDS 2023 make sure by checking out the total number of vacancies available for that region and click on the total number of vacancies or region name.
  3. You will be redirected to the sub-domain of your state’s postal office region and in this case, the Telangana State Postal Circle will be displayed.
  4. Wait and you will get the direct link to your TS BPM ABPM Dak Sevak Merit List undoubtedly.
Telangana GDS Merit List 2023Available Soon
Official Website

Telangana GDS Result 2023 – Frequently Asked Questions

When will the Telangana Gramin Dak Sevak (Cycle-III) be Released?

The Telangana Gramin Dak Sevak (Cycle-III) will be released in May 2023 Tentative.

On what basis the Telangana Postal Telangana BPM ABPM Dak Sevak Result will be announced?

The Telangana Postal BPM ABPM Dak Sevak Result will be declared according to the 10th standard.

For How Many Vacancies Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2023 will be out in Telangana?

For 1150 vacancies Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2023 will be out in Telangana

How Can I Check TS GDS Merit List 2021 Online PDF 2023?

All aspirants can view TS GDS Merit List 2023 Online PDF 2023 via the official website URL only

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