RRB Chennai Group D Result 2023 is now released on 22 December 2022 at www.rrbchennai.gov.in. As we all know RRB Group D, 6 phases have been conducted successfully, we are waiting for the lockdown to end soon so the 7th and last phase could happen smoothly soon. Once all phases are completed, the Railway recruitment board will declare RRB Chennai Group D Results in 2023 and its merit list on this page.

Latest Update: RRB Chennai Group D Result 2023 is now announced on 22 December 2022. Now you need to keep ready all the valid login details to get the result online…Once the result is available online the direct link attached to this article will be activated automatically… So keep logging in with us for the RRB Chennai.
Here, we have shared the information which is coming out for the 35,208 vacancies of Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Commercial Apprentice, Station Master. The 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT) was perfectly conducted for the Group D Popular Categories and in each examination center, a massive number of applicants were participating.

Thus, the mind of applicants is keeping heavy stress due to knowing the decision of marks according to their performance in the exam. Now, the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has decided that they will not delay sending RRB Chennai Group D Result 2023 at all. This announcement is made for all of the applicants and the marks will be opened through the declaration of exam results. Nobody needs to wait for any courier or post just because the result will be only sent by the official RRRB website.
RRB Chennai Group D Result 2023
All of you should check this page carefully as we have added a web link to the website and that link will support you to download the RRB Chennai Group D Exam Scorecard 2023. We will set outright live updates coming for the result of all the vacancies. Stage 2 will also be organized to be as soon as possible so, you should not delay preparing yourself if you are selected in Stage 1. It means officers are also preparing to also declare the result of the final round in the upcoming days and select the brilliant applicants based on the offered vacancies.
As we know this exam is happening for the Chennai Region and in which those applicants who appear are worried to know the details of their exam results that is the reason they all are worried about the result which is very important for all of them. If you want to check your RRB Chennai Region Group D 2023 Result Date then you need to wait for it as the official announcement of the result is going to be published soon. In the exam result can check your final scores which are very important for you all.
RRB Group D Result 2023 { Check Here }
RRB Chennai Group D Result 2023 | Check Here |
Download Admit Card | RRB Chennai Admit Card |
Official Website | http://www.rrbchennai.gov.in/ |
RRB Chennai Group D Exam 2023 – Overview
Organization Name | Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) |
Post Name | Group D Popular Categories |
Number of Posts | 35,208 Vacancies |
Application Form Availability | 1st March 2019 To 31st March 2019 |
Application Form Status | From 21st to 30th September 2020 |
Exam Date | Phase 1: 17 August 2022 to 25 August 2022 Phase 2: 26 August 2022 to 08 September 2022 |
Category | Sarkari Results |
Exam Result Mode | Online |
Result Status | On 22 December 2022 |
Job Location | Across India |
Official Site | www.rrbchennai.gov.in |
RRB Group D Scorecard Details 2023
- Applicant Name
- Roll Number
- Registration Number
- Raw score
- Pro-rated score
- Normalized marks
- Qualifying status
RRB Chennai Group D Phase 1 Results 2023
The RRB Chennai Group D Phase 1 Result 2023 is now released on 22 December 2022. Aspirants can check their results through the official website. The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) conducts an examination to acquire a large number of applicants to fill up various vacant positions.
RRB Chennai Group D Admit Card 2023 { Available Soon }
Aspirants need certain information like the roll number of the examinee, date of birth of the applicants, or password to download their RRB Chennai Group D Phase 1 Results. Aspirants you don’t need to go anywhere because we are updating all the information related to the result from time to time. After downloading the result it must be kept in a safe place. Applicants can download their results online mode.
Applicants can download their results in the form of PDF files on their mobile phones or laptop etc. If he or she does not have any software for PDF files in which they can easily see their result, applicants can download it from the Google Play Store. Applicants can download their RRB Chennai Group D Phase 1 Exam Scorecard 2023 via online mode only. This organization again hires applicants as soon as possible for various posts.
The link will get activated shortly on the official site so keep in touch with this site regularly so that you can download your RRB Chennai Result frequently once it will be released. Applicants cannot get their results through any facilities like couriers, speed boxes, etc.
Cut off marks are the minimum marks set by the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB). Everyone has to achieve cut off marks to qualify for the examination. If he or she did not get the minimum marks then they will not be allowed to go for further rounds. Is it possible to think about the good status of RRB Chennai Region Phase 1 Group D Result 2023 even after knowing that your performance in the test was not quite good? Nothing can be seen in advance, however, there are some factors that tell the status of the exam result in advance.
The aspirants will see the crystal-clear results with the help of a straightforward link to the scorecard because cutoff is something else. To have a final list of the shortlisted applicants, the people will have to go through a list termed a merit list that is made available in PDF most of the time.
RRB Chennai Group D Normalisation of Marks
தேர்வுகள் பல்வேறு ஷிப்டுகளிலும், கேள்விகளின் பல சிரம நிலைகளைக் கொண்ட நாட்களிலும் நடைபெறுவதால், விண்ணப்பதாரர்களின் மதிப்பெண்களைக் கணக்கிடுவதற்கான மதிப்பெண்களை இயல்பாக்குவதை ரயில்வே ஆட்சேர்ப்பு வாரியம் செயல்படுத்துகிறது. இங்கே சூத்திரம் மற்றும் பின்வரும் புள்ளிகளில் ஆர்ஆர்பி தேர்வுகளுக்கான இயல்பாக்கப்பட்ட மதிப்பெண்களை எவ்வாறு கணக்கிடுவது-
இந்த முறையில், விண்ணப்பதாரர்களின் மூல மதிப்பெண், அவர்களின் அமர்வில் மூல மதிப்பெண்களின் சராசரி மற்றும் நிலையான மாறுபாடு மற்றும் கூடுதல் அமர்வுகள் இயல்பாக்கப்படுகின்றன. கீழே இயல்பாக்குதல் சூத்திரத்தை சரிபார்க்கவும்
Xn= (S2/S1) (X-Xav) + Yav
Xn= Normalized Score of an Applicant
S2= Standard Variation of raw marks of Base Session
S1= Standard Variation of raw marks of Applicant Session
X= Raw marks of the applicant which is to be normalized
Xav= Average of raw marks of Applicant Session
Yav= Average of raw marks of Base Session
RRB Group D 2023 Selection Process
- 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT)
- 2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT)
- Typing Skill Test/ Computer-Based Aptitude Test
- Document Verification/ Medical Examination
RRB Chennai Region Group D Recruitment 2023 CutOff Marks
Railway Recruitment Board will release the RRB Group D Cutoff along with results on the official website. Cutoff scores will be released after each stage of the exam. It is the minimum qualifying marks that an applicant needs to score in order to qualify for the exam and become eligible for the next round of the selection process. RRB Group D cut off 2023 for Chennai is the minimum qualifying mark that applicants need to score to qualify for the exam and become eligible for the next round of the selection process.
CHENNAI RRB Group D STAGE 2 CutOff Marks
Post Name(Cat.No.) | Railway / PU | UR | OBC (Non Creamy layer) | SC | ST | ExS | VH | OH | HH |
Commercial Apprentice (Cat. No. l | SR | 74.98708 | 74.48404 | 70.58824 | 6S.03971 | 49.81617 | – | 63.89612 | 46 09926 |
Traffic Apprentice(cat.No. 2) | SR | 74.30455 | 74.04953 | 66.85440 | 64.42577 | 46.90665 | .. | 60.85135 | – |
Goods Guard (Cat. No. 4l | SR | 7349605 | 73.49605 | 66.S7767 | 63.46908 | 46.21849 | – | 59.84647 | – |
Jun or Accounts Assistant.cum-Typist (Cat.No. S) | ICF | 78 47729 | – | 71.S5891 | 64.84863 | 62.75149 | – | 59.75700 | .. |
Jun or Accounts Assist-ant-<um-Tvnist (Cat. No. S) | SR | 79.63493 | – | 72.11238 | 6S.82503 | 47.01270 | 57.08994 | 61.62465 | .. |
Senior Clerk<um-Typist (Cat.No. 6) | SR | 78.77645 | – | 73.15467 | 65.39488 | 55.61911 | .. | 60.50420 | 43.26977 |
Senior Clerk<um Typist (Cat. No. 6) | ICF | – | – | – | – | – | 60.85135 | 60.46221 | 4300645 |
Assistant Station Master (Cat. No. 7) (computed marks of 2nd stage CST + Aptitude Test in 70:30 ratio) | SR | 70.50347 | 70.25938 | 63.74873 | 62.13742 | 44.59559 | .. | 55.20627 |
Download www.rrbchennai.gov.in Group D Merit List 2023 PDF
The Railway Recruitment Board is about to release the RRB Chennai Region Group D merit list 2023 and it will be based on your performance in the exam and the merit list to decide whether you are selected for this job or not. The merit list that list which covers the marks and the roll number of the applicants who are shortlisted by the RRB and those applicants who get their names on the list will be called for the next round and which will be the final round. So applicants wait for a few moments for the update of your final merit list once we get any notification from the official site we will update it here on this page.
How to download RRB Chennai Group D Result 2023?
- Visit the official website of RRB Chennai
- Find the RRB Chennai Group D Result 2023 link on the home page
- The result will be available in PDF format and the applicants can search their roll numbers through Ctrl+F
- Entering their user ID/registration number and password applicants can download the RRB Chennai Group D 2023 scorecard
RRB Chennai Group D Result 2023 FAQ
What is the RRB Group D exam 2023 Qualifying Marks?
The applicants need to secure a minimum score of 42 marks in each of the test batteries to qualify. This is applicable to all applicants irrespective of community or category i.e. irrespective of SC/ ST/ OBC-NCL/ EWS/ PwBD/ Ex-SM and no relaxation in the minimum T- Score is permissible.
What is the official website to check online RRB Chennai Group D Result 2023?
www.rrbchennai.gov.in is the official website to check online RRB Chennai Group D Result 2023.
Was there any negative marking in the RRB Group D Exam?
Yes, there is a negative marking and 1/3rd mark shall be deducted for each wrong answer.