Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2023 has been started by the state government to provide financial assistance to farmers. Under this scheme, the state government provides financial support to those farmers who want to fence their fields, however, under the scheme, the government will give you only 50 percent of the total expenses under the wiring in their fields, the other 50% of the expenditures, farmers will have to bear their own. The beneficiaries of this scheme will be marginal farmers, especially small taxes. Under the scheme, the subsidy will be given to the beneficiaries for a maximum of 400-meter-long fencing, for which the government has targeted to give a total of 8 crores to the farmers.
Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2023
The scheme has been announced by the state government and the farmers whose crops are mostly wasted due to stray animals will be provided financial assistance. At the same time wires will also be installed in the fields of the farmers. The Rajasthan government will provide subsidies to farmers for wiring. The benefit of Yojana would be that by prohibiting the animals, the animals would not be able to spoil the crops of the farmers. To become a beneficiary of this scheme, you have to Apply for Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2023 Online or offline. How to apply for Rajasthan Tarabandi Yodana, which documents will be necessary for this? Who can apply for the scheme and all the necessary information like how the amount of the scheme will reach your account is given in this article.

Many schemes are being run by the state government for the benefit of farmers. A new scheme Rajasthan Tarabandi Scheme is also included in these schemes. Under the Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana Online Form 2023, farmers will be provided financial assistance to protect the crop of the farm. There is a provision to benefit small farmers under this scheme. As you know, it is very expensive for small and marginal farmers to get their fields wired. Due to this small farmers are not able to get their fields wired, and as a result, their crop is damaged by animals. In view of this situation, the Tarbandi scheme has been started by the state government. Through this scheme, farmers can secure their crop area from all sides by fencing.
Rajasthan Tarbandi Scheme 2023 Details
Name of Scheme | Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2023 |
Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2023 Online form beginning date | Update Soon |
Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2023 Online form last date | Update Soon |
Issued by | State Government |
Benefits of Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2023 | State Government will provide financial aid for Tarbandi to the farmers of Rajasthan |
URL of the Scheme | www.agriculture.rajasthan.gov.in |
Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2023 Eligibility Criteria
- इस योजना के तहत किसान राजस्थान के स्थायी निवासी होने चाहिए।
- इस योजना के लाभ के लिए, किसान के पास 0.5 हेक्टेयर कृषि योग्य भूमि होनी चाहिए।
- आवेदक के पास एक बैंक खाता होना चाहिए क्योंकि सरकार द्वारा दिया गया धन सीधे लाभार्थी के बैंक खाते में स्थानांतरित किया जाएगा।
- यदि आपकी जमीन पहले से ही किसी अन्य योजना के तहत प्राप्त की जाती है, तो आप इस योजना के लिए पात्र नहीं हैं।
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Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2023 Major Benefits
- राज्य सरकार बाड़ लगाने पर 50% अनुदान देगी जबकि शेष 50% किसानों को खर्च करना होगा।
- अधिकतम 40,000 रुपये तक का खर्च सरकार द्वारा किया जाएगा।
- केवल राज्य के छोटे और सीमांत किसानों को योजना के तहत लाभ मिलेगा।
- राजस्थान तारबंदी योजना 2023 के तहत अधिकतम 400 मीटर की बाड़ के लिए ही सब्सिडी दी जाएगी।
- इससे आवारा पशुओं से होने वाली फसल की बर्बादी रुकेगी।
- आवारा जानवर जो फसल को नष्ट कर देते हैं, बाड़ लगाने से खेतों में नहीं जाएंगे
- बाड़ लगाना एक सार्थक निवेश है जो पशुओं और आवारा पशुओं को खेती के क्षेत्र से बाहर रखने के लिए आवश्यक है।
Important Documents to apply for Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2023
- आवेदक का आधार कार्ड
- आवेदक का राशन कार्ड
- पहचान पत्र प्रमाण
- आवेदक की पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो
- आवेदक का निवास प्रमाण पत्र
- आवेदक का मोबाइल नंबर
Objectives of Tarbandi Scheme by Rajasthan Government
- The ultimate objective of this scheme is to protect the crops of the farmers under the Rajasthan Tarbandi Scheme.
- To keep the economic condition of the farmers balanced, this scheme has been started.
- This scheme has been started in view of the situation where farmers are suffering due to loss of crop.
- Fencing of the fields will be done under this scheme.
- The benefit of this scheme will be for the welfare of small and marginal farmers only
- This will be an essential step for the development of Rajasthan’s agricultural sector.
- Necessary steps have been taken to protect the crops of the state.
- This scheme is intended to encourage farmers to work.
Steps for Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2023 Online Registration
- To apply online for Rajasthan Tarbandi Scheme, you have to visit the official website www.agriculture.rajasthan.gov.in.
- On opening this website, the main page will open in front of you. Here you will see the Rajasthan Tarabandi Scheme 2023 application form.
- In this form, you have to fill in all the important information asked. Add all the required documents along with the form along with the filling of the form.
- After this, fill in the captcha code given in the form.
- After filling in the captcha code you have to press the submit button and thus you will be able to successfully apply for the scheme.
Registration Form | Application Form |
Official Website | https://rajkisan.rajasthan.gov.in/ |
Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2023 FAQ
राजस्थान तारबंदी योजना क्या है ?
यह एक राज्य संचालित किसान लाभार्थी योजना है, इस योजना के तहत सरकार आवारा पशुओं से फसल की रक्षा के लिए खेतों के चारों ओर बाड़ लगाने के लिए 50% अनुदान प्रदान करती है।
मैं हरियाणा का नागरिक हूं। क्या मैं इस राजस्थान तारबंदी योजना के लिए आवेदन कर सकता हूं
नहीं, आप इस राजस्थान तारबंदी योजना के लिए आवेदन करने के पात्र नहीं हैं क्योंकि यह योजना राजस्थान के किसानों को उनकी फसलों और खेत की रक्षा के लिए उपलब्ध होगी।
उन सभी महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेजों का नाम बताइए जिन्हें आवेदन पत्र भरने के समय आवश्यकता होती है?
महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज इस प्रकार हैं: आधार कार्ड, राशन कार्ड, पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो, आईडी प्रूफ, मोबाइल नंबर, निवास प्रमाण पत्र।
क्या इस योजना से लाभ लेते समय बैंक खाता होना आवश्यक है?
हां, सभी के पास एक बैंक खाता होना चाहिए ताकि सरकार योजना की राशि सीधे खाते में दे।