Madhya Pradesh board of secondary education is famously addressed as MPBSE. The educational board governs and regulates intermediate exams for class 11th and 12th students. All those partakers who are preparing for the MP Board 12th Exam 2023 will be glad to know that they can obtain information regarding the MP Board 12th Time Table 2023 from this post. Partakers have to visit the official website to download the exam date sheet.

MP Board 12th Time Table 2023
Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education also pronounced as MPBSE has released the Time Table for the 12th MP Board Examination very soon on their official web portal. Every year lakhs of students register themselves for the 12th board examinations and these exams play an important role in every student’s career life. Now students who are going to appear in this examination want to download their MP Board 12th Time Table 2023 because, with the help of time table, they can prepare a study schedule and prepare for the examinations according to it.
As per the latest update we have from our sources, the Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education is expected to release the MPBSE 12th Class Time Table in the month of January 2023. Now, this is a tentative date and there is no official confirmation as of now. Students should stay tuned with us for more updates related to MP 12th Science Commerce Arts Exam Dates. Also, they can keep visiting the official website regularly. Reportedly, approximately 19 lakh students are going to attempt the examination in the year 2021
MPBSE 12th Time Table 2021 Summary & Details
Name of Examination | MP Board 12th Exam 2023 |
Name of Board Organising | Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) |
Exam Type | Board Examinations |
Exam Location | Madhya Pradesh state |
Academic Session | 2023 |
Beginning of 12th Class Examinations | 13 February 2023 |
End of 12th Class Examinations | 25 March 2023 |
Article Category | MP Board 12th Time Table 2023 |
Time Table Announcement Date | February 2023 |
Official Website | |
Madhya Pradesh 12th Board Exam Dates 2023
Folks, this mpbse 12th class timetable is formed on the basis of last year time table. MP 12th Time Table comprises of the subject, timings, day of examination, and other important details regarding the MP board examination.
Examinations | Important Dates |
Time Table Announcement Date | February 2023 |
Commencement of 12th Theory Examinations | 15 February 2023 |
12th Theory Examinations will End on | 20 March 2023 |
10th Class Time Table 2023 | 12th Class Time Table 2023
MP Board 12th Exam Time Table 2023 for Normal Students
MP Board Examination Dates | Subject Name (Morning Session: 8 am to 11 am) |
15 February 2023 | Special Language Hindi (Including Vocational Students) Second Language (General):- Hindi |
18 February 2023 | Special Language Sanskrit Second Language (General):-Sanskrit |
20 February 2023 | Special Language English (including vocational students) |
23 February 2023 | Second Language (General):- Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Marathi, Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Bengali, Gujarati, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Arabic, Persian, French, Russian, Kannada & Oriya |
24 February 2023 | Special Language Urdu |
25 February 2023 | Indian Music |
26 February 2023 | History, Physics, Business Studies, Ele. Science and Maths useful for agriculture, Drawing and Painting, Home Management, Nutrition, and Textile |
27 February 2023 | Drawing and Designing |
01 March 2023 | Biology |
02 March 2023 | Economics, First Question Paper of Vocational Course (VOC) |
05 March 2023 | Mathematics |
06 March 2023 | Political Science, Animal Hus. Milk Trade, Poultry Farming and Fishery, Element of Science, History of Indian Art, Business Economics, Second Question Paper VOC |
07 March 2023 | Biotechnology |
08 March 2023 | Geography, Chemistry, Crop. Production and Horticulture, Still Life & Design, Anatomy Physiology and Health, Third Question Paper Vocational Course (VOC) |
09 March 2023 | NSQF IT/ITES, Security VOC |
11 March 2023 | Bookkeeping and Accountancy |
15 March 2023 | Sociology, Psychology, Agriculture (Humanities Group), Home Science (Art Group), Foundation Course, Environment Education and Rural Development (VOC) |
20 March 2023 | Informatics Practices |
MP Board 12th Exam 2023 Postponed
The Main authorities of MPBSE have declared the delay/postponement of the examination for class 10th & 12th Students. New dates have still not declared yet but the partakers are eagerly want to know the updated dates. Partakers, due to the outbreak of Covid-19 and considering the present scenario authorities have decided to postpone all the examinations as a safety measure.
It is expected that exams will be held in the month of April 2023. We will inform you shortly as soon the news of the mp board 12th new exam dates is unleashed. Students can connect with the principal of their schools regarding the practical dates.
12th Class Practical Dates MP Board Exam 2023
Event Name | Practical Examination Tentative Dates |
For Normal students (Regular) | February 2023 |
For Normal students (Private) | March 2023 |
For Regular specially-abled students | February 2023 |
For Private specially-abled students | March 2023 |
How to Download MPBSE 12th Arts Commerce Science Time Table?
Now to the most-asked query. Students, the Madhya Pradesh board of secondary education will issue the timetable in pdf format. Below are the steps to download the MP Board 12th Time Table 2023:-
- Firstly, head to the official website i.e.
- Secondly, on the home page, search for the link – MP Board 12th Exam Time Table 2023.
- Third, Your examination timetable will appear on the screen.
- Candidates, the timetable will be in a pdf format, the students must save it and then download it.
- Take an extra printout for handy reference.
Frequently Asked Questions for MP Board 12th Time Table 2023
When will the New MP Board 12th timetable is going to be published?
Students, as you all know examinations are being delayed because of the pandemic. The timetable will be declared in the month of April 2023.
What is the official web portal of the MPBSE 12th Class Exam?
Students can down their MPBSE 12th Class Date Sheet from
What will be the time duration for MP Board 12th Exam?
Students will be allotted Total Time Duration of 3 Hours. (Morning 9.00 AM to 12.00 Noon). Students have to complete the exam in the stipulated time.
When will be the MP Board 12th practical exams conducted?
MP Board 12th practical exams will be held from February 2023.
What are the hacks to crack the MP board 12th exam 2023?
Examinations are becoming increasingly competitive and tough. Understand the concepts by heart. As a result, exam stress is elevated and candidates tend to crumble and panic under this complicated stress.
I am feeling nervous and stressed about my class 12th board exams is it ok?
Candidates, we all go through stress and anxiety during exams. No need to feel strange about it. Make sure you prepare well on time. It is believed that if you are relaxed you will feel better and perform well and manage to score well to.
Why do board exams play an important role?
1. There is no exaggeration to say that the board exam plays an important role and moreover, it serves as an experience for students as in how to deal with pressure.
2. Board’s result is a true test of merit and it will decide which stream you will opt for. board exams are stepping stones to a great future.
3. The scores you will achieve in these exams are important for getting admission into your dream college, professional programs, and other programs as well.
What are the details given in the MP Board 12th Time Table 2023?
Board name
Exam name
Exam timings
12th MP Board timetable 2021 for normal and specially-abled students
Exam date
Important instructions
Why is MP Board 12th timetable is important for students?
Time table Helps in getting through the exam and also aids in tackling time management. Without planning, nothing can be achieved for students.
MP Board 12th Exam 2023 Preparation Tips & Tricks
Studying at length at a stretch may not be fruitful. Our mind boggles and boredom sets in. break the monotony and take some rest. Snack on brain food. Practice more and more previous year papers and get used to the exam difficulty level, exam pattern, and types of questions asked. Do not leave any topic undone and revise the entire course before the examination.
Organize group study with comrades and participate in healthy discussions and explain the answers to them. Make your study session interesting rather than monotonous and don’t forget to maintain social distancing. By following these basic things you will be a sure winner in the upcoming board exam.
MP Board 12th Time Table 2023 | Check Here |
Official Website | |
Hope it has been a useful read. If you find the above post on MP Board 12th Time Table 2023 for Arts, Commerce, Science Stream, useful please share it with other comrades as well. Friends, if you are well prepared and confident about exams there is no need to feel nervous at all. Partakers, get out of your comfort zone and evaluate your performance. Wait a bit for the new timetable as because of covid-19 there will be a slight delay in the examination. Hang in there and do your preparation well.