If you are waiting for a long time for the HSSC Clerk Admit Card 2023 then don’t be upset. Thus, the Haryana Staff Selection Commission has made its words clear that they will upload the admit card for the post of Clerk. Interested candidates can download their admit cards with the help of the online mode as no other mode will be used to send any contenders to admit cards. If you have applied for the vacancies of clerk then you can get you to admit cards now.

Admit card is one of the mandatory documents that you have to bring at the time of the exam and if anybody forgets to carry it then he/she will not be allowed at the time of the exam. Don’t wait for any posts or e-mails as you need to go to the web link of the HSSC which is settled on this page. Thus, it is the only way to download the HSSC Clerk Exam 2023 Hall Ticket and keep your admit card safe till the exam so that you will not face any difficulty while the exam.
HSSC Clerk Admit Card 2023
The venue of the examination will be disclosed only by the hall ticket so don’t forget to take it on time. All the important instructions are mentioned on the hall ticket so read all of them very carefully and follow them at the time of the exam. The examiners will check the Haryana Clerk (Group C) Admit Card 2023 Direct link first then they will permit you to enter the examination hall.
Applicants are attentive towards it and catch it immediately once it will be uploaded by HSSC. Therefore, candidates must clearly indicate that the Haryana SSC Clerk Hall Ticket 2023 will now download to the official website using the candidate’s data such as their name, registration/application ID and DOB. Applicants are also recommended to verify their email ID. From time to time by SMS or SMS, with any update from the HSSC.
HSSC Clerk Exam 2023 – Details
Organization Name | Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) |
Name Of The Post | Clerk (Group C) |
Total Vacancies | 4801 |
Category | Admit Card |
Exam Date | Publishing Soon |
Admit Card Release Date | Publishing Soon |
Selection Process | Written TestSocio-Economic criteria and experience |
Job Location | Haryana |
Official Site | www.hssc.gov.in |
www.hssc.gov.in Clerk Hall Ticket 2023 Publishing Date
No applicants will get permission to take the entry inside the examination hall without showing the hall ticket to the examiners. Besides the hall ticket, there is one more document that you need to bring along with the hall ticket and that is your Identity Proof. The faculty members will check the HSSC (Advt. -) Exam 2023 hall ticket, ID proofs, and photocopy of the ID proof and if you will not able to show any 1 document then it means you will be out of the examination centre. So, keep your documents ready some days before the exam and check them once you will leave the home for the exam.
Also Read:- HSSC JE Admit Card 2023
Haryana SSC Clerk Exam 2023 Pattern
हरियाणा क्लर्क लिखित परीक्षा (ओएमआर आधारित) 90 अंकों के लिए 90 मिनट की समयावधि के लिए आयोजित की जाएगी। परीक्षा को दो बुनियादी भागों में विभाजित किया गया है। इसमें 75% वेटेज जनरल अवेयरनेस, रीजनिंग, मैथ्स, साइंस, कंप्यूटर, इंग्लिश, हिंदी और संबंधित या संबंधित विषय के प्रश्नों पर लागू होगा। जबकि अन्य 25% वेटेज इतिहास, करंट अफेयर्स, साहित्य, भूगोल, नागरिक शास्त्र, पर्यावरण, संस्कृति आदि जैसे विषयों पर होंगे।
भाग | विषय | Weightage | मार्क्स | समया-अवधि |
Part 1 | सामान्य ज्ञान | 75% | 90 | 90 मिनट |
रीजनिंग | ||||
मैथ्स | ||||
साइंस | ||||
कंप्यूटर | ||||
जनरल इंग्लिश | ||||
जनरल हिंदी | ||||
Part 2 | हरियाणा राज्य का इतिहास,जियोग्राफी, लिटरेचर, Civics,कल्चर, करंट अफेयर्स, etc. | 25% |
What documents to Carry For Examination
Download the www.hssc.gov.in Clerk Hall Ticket is not sufficient to obtain permission to take the exam. According to the information submitted in the online application, it will also be examined, so the candidate must carry the following document, along with the mark of the written exam.
- Admit Card Hard Copy
- Candidate ID Proof such as Aadhar Card, Voter ID, Driving Licence, Passport, PAN Card, etc in original and at least one XEROX Copy of same.
- Blue/Black Ball Point Pen
- 2 recent Passport Size Photograph.
Applicants must carry all the above-mentioned documents with them while applying for the exam. You must first download first the Admit Card for HSSC (Group C) Recruitment. Your entry card and must prepare all the documents.
HRYSSC Exam 2023 Centre Detail’s
However, the candidate exam centre facilities have already been requested when applying online. The Commission will endeavour to designate a test centre for candidates within its means. However, the Haryana Staff Selection Commission has the right to take an examination which is not a candidate’s preference. Therefore, candidates must download HSSC Clerk Admit Card online and obtain these details.
There is no need to change the exam of the Center and others at any cost. Therefore, the candidate must be ready to submit the written test Haryana announced on the day of the exam. If any of the candidates are unable to download HSSC Clerk Exam 2023 Call letter a few days before the exam date, contact the Commission office immediately for further information.
हरियाणा कर्मचारी चयन आयोग ने आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर HSSC क्लर्क एडमिट कार्ड जारी किया है। उम्मीदवार एचएसएससी क्लर्क आधिकारिक अधिसूचना पर मौजूद डाउनलोड लिंक का उपयोग करके अपने एचएसएससी 2023 क्लर्क एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। उसके बाद उम्मीदवारों को लॉगिन करने और क्लर्क पोस्ट के लिए अपना एचएसएससी एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करने के लिए लॉगिन आईडी और पासवर्ड दर्ज करना होगा।
How To Download HSSC Clerk Admit Card 2023
- Land on the official website of the Haryana Staff Selection Commission at hssc.gov.in
- Now Search for Haryana SSC Clerk Admit Card 2023 Link and then click on it.
- Enter all details i.e. Application Form Number and Password.
- Now click on the Submit button.
- Then Check your Haryana SSC Clerk Exam 2023, Admit Card.
- Finally, Take a Printout Copy of it for future use.
Haryana SSC Clerk Admit Card 2023 – FAQs
What is the HSSC Clerk Admit Card 2023 Release Date?
HSSC Clerk Admit Card 2023 will be released in the last week of August 2023
What is the HSSC Clerk Exam Date?
HSSC is going to organize the exam for the post of Clerk very soon.
Where can I download the www.hssc.gov.in Clerk Hall Ticket 2023?
Candidates can download the www.hssc.gov.in Clerk Hall Ticket 2023 from the official site.
How will I know the full address of the HSSC Exam centre?
The full address of the HSSC Exam centre will be provided to you through the admit card only.
HSSC Important Links
Latest Recruitment | HSSC Recruitment |
Download Admit Card | HSSC Admit Card |
Check Answer Key | HSSC Answer Key |
Examination Result | HSSC Result |
Official Website | https://hssc.gov.in/ |