Hello friends, birthday is a very special day in all of our lives. Birthday has been considered very important in Indian culture. That is why a birthday is celebrated as a celebration. In such a way, birthday Shayari, birthday wishes status in Hindi, Happy Birthday Wishes in Hindi, and Happy Birthday Shayari Wishes SMS Messages This is a very good way to make any of your friends, girlfriend, boyfriend, mommy-dad, siblings happy on their birthday.
If you searching for the Best Collection of happy birthday Images for Whatsapp, Birthday wishes Images Download, and Birthday HD Images. Today is the time of social media and to celebrate Happy Birthday today we are sharing the latest Happy Birthday Wishes in Hindi, images, and GIF images. And here you can get these types of SMS and status for free and share them with your friends. We have brought a lot of birthday images for you which you can download and wish your family members your friends.
Happy Birthday Wishes in Hindi
अपने जन्मदिन पर हर कोई चाहता है कि उसे उसके चाहने वाले उसको जन्मदिन की बहुत सारी Happy Birthday Wishes किसी भी बेहतर तरीके से दें। इन ढेरो शुभकामनाएं SMS और सुन्दर शायरियों को आप अपने बेटे-बेटी, भतीजे, दोस्त, माता-पिता, बॉयफ्रेंड-गर्लफ्रेंड, नेता तक पहुंचा कर उन्हें ख़ुशी दे सकते हैं। ऐसे जन्मदिन की Happy Birthday Wishes in Hindi पा कर वे बहुत खुश होंगे और उनको बहुत स्पेशल फील होगा
जन्मदिन एक ऐसा दिन है जो व्यक्ति और व्यक्ति से संबंधित प्रियजनों के लिए विशेष अर्थ रखता है। यह वह दिन है जो रिश्तेदारों, परिवार और दोस्तों को उस व्यक्ति के लिए प्यार को व्यक्त करने की अनुमति देता है जिसे वे प्यार करते हैं। जन्मदिन की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं एक भावना है कि हमारे प्रियजनों को उपहार के बजाय हमारी उपस्थिति की आवश्यकता है और हमें उनके विशेष दिन पर कम से कम उनके लिए हमेशा समय देना चाहिए
Birthday Status For Whats-app in Hindi
और मिले खुशियों का जहां आपको..!
अगर आप आज मांगे आसमां का एक तारा भी.!
तो खुदा दे दे सारा आसमां आपकों.!
आपको जन्मदिन की बहुत बहुत शुभ कामनाये।
Birthday Wishes in Hindi For Lover
यह दिन यह महीना यह तारीख जब जब आई..!!
हमने बड़े प्यार से जन्मदिन की महफ़िल सजाई..!!
हर शमा पर नाम लिख दिया इश्क का..!!
इसकी रोशनी में चाँद जैसी तेरी सूरत समाई..!!
आपको जन्मदिन बहुत – बहुत मुबारक !
Happy Birthday Wishes For A Special Friend Male/Female
दूर है तो क्या हुआ आज का दिन तो हमें याद है..!!
तूम ना सही पर तुम्हारा साया तो हमारे साथ है,
तुम्हे लगता है हम सब भूल जाते है..!!
पर देखलो तुम्हारा जन्मदिन तो हमें याद है..!!
जन्मदिन मुबारक़ हो
Best Birthday Whats-app Status 2023
Birthday comes once a year and on this occasion, friends and family relatives are given a lot of happiness. Birthday status in India is why we have come today. Birthday quotes for you in Hindi and happy birthday wishes you can wish to your friends, parents, and boyfriend, it is his birthday. If you are searching for happy birthday Images for Whatsapp, Twitter Birthday wishes Images Download Birthday HD Images from here very easily.
Even though it’s your birthday, you can get cute & witty Birthday Status for Yourself to post any of your birthday bash pics or cake cutting photos, or birthday party selfies on social media. For all your memorable birthday moments to share on Twitter, we have a perfect Happy Birthday tweet right from the birthday of a newborn baby to the sweet 16 all the way up to your grandparents.
Best Republic Day 2023 Wishes Facebook WhatsApp Status
Happy Birthday Wishes HD Images for Facebook WhatsApp

Heart Touching Birthday Wishes For Best Friend
Your birthday is the perfect day to say I care, because you will remember me when u certainly make it a big affair and when you do hold a party… I bet you will be the one who would care to make ur special day a costly affair.
Let the GOD decorate each GOLDEN RAY OF THE SUN reaching u with wishes of Success, Happiness and prosperity 4 U, Wish you a super duper Happy Birthday.
Wish you a many many happy returns of the day. May God bless you with health, wealth and prosperity in your life
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SMS For People Who Add Happiness In Life
A birthday once every year is the day when we were born and started this beautiful journey of life. On this day, everyone wishes us a happy birthday and we celebrate this day with great joy. Birthdays are celebrated in almost every corner of the world. There is hardly anyone who would not know how to celebrate a birthday.
This day is celebrated with great enthusiasm. Whose birthday is given, along with good wishes, gifts are given and instead a party is given. Cake cutting, candle extinguishing, and balloon bursting are the biggest parts of the biggest of the birthday party.
You also get here Happy Birthday Images 2023 HD and Happy Birthday Shayari in Hindi. On the day of the Birthday of Friends, Relatives, Lovers, Girlfriends, and Best Friends we definitely wish for an important one. We are sharing some of the Best Happy Birthday Wishes SMS to a loved one. Get all the Happy Birthday Wishes Images to send through whats-app and Facebook. Many lovers search for Happy Birthday wishes in 2023 for girlfriends.
Birthday Captions for all Age Persons
दुआ करते है हम आपके लिए हर पल,
हर दिन आपके लिए लाये हसीन पल,
हो खूबसूरत आपका यह जन्मदिन आपकी तरह,
खुशियों का लगे मिला आपके जीवन में हर पल.
जन्मदिन की बधाई !!
ख़ुशी से बीते हर दिन,
हर सुहानी रात हो,
जिस तरफ आपके कदम पड़े,
वहा फूलो की बरसात हो,
शुभ जन्मदिन हो आपका हमेशा।।
Birthday Wishes in Hindi Status for Whats-app
Ugta Suraj har duaa de aapko,
Khilta hua phool Mahek de aapko,
hum to kuchh dene ke kabil nahi,
dene wala har khushiyan de aapko!
HAPPY BIRTH DAYTohfa-e-dil de du ya du ye chand sitare,
Janam din pe tujhe kya du ye pochte hai mujh se sare,
Zindgi tere naam kar du fir bhi kam pad jaye,
Daaman me bhar du har ek khushi ko me tumhare..