All those partakers (Regular or Private students) who are pursuing their 10th Board under Chatishgarh Board can check the CGBSE 10th Admit Card 2023 details from this post. The admit card will be published on the website in the last week of February. Students who have been preparing all this while aggressively and with all their might are eagerly awaiting the CG Board 10th Class Admit Card 2023.

It would be no exaggeration to say that the CGBSE 10th Admit Card 2023 is one of the most important documents above all. Without it, students will not be allowed to enter the exam premise. Students must get their CG board 10th hall tickets signed by the principal.
CGBSE 10th Admit Card 2023
All the appearing candidates have to take a clear and visible printout of the admit card. It is compulsory to carry the CGBSE 10th Admit Card 2023 on the day of the exam. The CGBSE exam is supposed to be held in the month of March 2023.
So, we recommend all the appearing contenders keep the CGBSE 10th Admit Card & Roll No safe until the exam. Please keep a check on the board’s website so that you miss no important updates missed unknowingly. Be smart and wise enough to keep up with the exam day updates.
Please refer to our web portal till the end to learn further regarding the Chhattisgarh 10th Board Admit Card 2023 i.e. Importance of admit card during the examination, steps to download admit card, important instructions on admit card, and so on. So, are you ready to learn further?
CG Board 10th Admit Card 2023 Overview & Highlights
Name of Examination | CGBSE 10th Class Exam 2023 |
Name of Board | Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (CGBSE) |
Academic Session | 2023 |
Exam Location | Chhattisgarh State |
Examination Type | Annual Board Examinations |
Exam Date | March 2023 |
Category | Admit Card |
Status of Admit Card | Available Soon |
Admit Card Release Date | February 2023 |
Official Website | |
Chhattisgarh Board 10th Admit Card 2023
CGBSE 10th Board Admits Card 2023 is one of the most important documents that are needed to be brought by the students on the day of the exam. Students without the admit cards will not be allowed to sit and write the paper. Hence, it is important for all the contenders/participants to download the Chhattisgarh Board 10th Class Admit Card timely and carry it along with them on the day of the exam without fail.
CGBSE 10th Admit Card 2023 | Important Dates |
Availability of the Admit Card | Last week of February 2023 |
Exam Commencement Date | February 2023 |
Exam closure date | March 2023 |
Important Instructions Printed on CGBSE 10th Class Admit Cards
- Students must take out a clear and colored printout of their CGBSE 10th Admit Card.
- No extra time will be allotted to the students so, use the time judiciously.
- Please ensure that you carry along with you the valid documents along with the CG Board 10th Exam Admit Card & Roll No such as an Aadhaar card, Pan card, Driving license, and other identity proof whichsoever is needed.
- An authorized person or the invigilator will verify and authenticate your documents.
- Please present the original cgbse 10th class admits card while entering the exam premise.
- No unethical behavior will be entertained while the exam is going on.
- Students are not allowed to bring any electronic gadgets such as calculators, phones, tablets and so on.
- Students must not violate any rules and regulations during the paper and adhere to all the given instructions sensibly.
- You are not allowed to use red ink or red pen on the answer sheet.
- Maintain the classroom decorum and sincerely attempt all the questions.
- Read the question paper before you start writing.
- Please carry hand sanitizers and take good care of social distancing as well.
- Good luck for the examination.
How To Download CGBSE 10th Admit Card 2023
Downloading the CGBSE 10th Exam 2023 Roll No is no rocket science or big deal guys. You can do it by following the simple and easy steps given below.
- As a first and foremost step, please visit the official web portal of the CGBSE that is i.e.
- Next, Search for the link that says 10th and 12th admit card/hall ticket right away.
- In order to obtain the cgbse admit card of your respective class, you need to enter the credentials such as roll number/Registration number/Date of Birth, and password. Along with the credentials, you will have to enter some of the numbers like the Captcha code. If in case, any student won’t able to download the admit card they can get it from their respective schools.
- Click on the captcha code given there correctly.
- Click on the submit button.
- Download the CG Board 10th Admit Card 2023 available on the screen after checking all the details given on the admit card.
- Keep it safe until the exam and do not forget to keep multiple printouts for handy reference.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding CGBSE 10th Admit card 2023
What are the details ingrained in the CGBSE Admit card 2023?
As you are already aware that the admit cards are the most important documents above all. without it, you won’t be allowed to sit in the examination hall.
Below are the details you will find on the CGBSE 10th Class Admit card. Please have a look:-
(1.) Date of birth
(2.) Language medium
(3.) Roll number
(4.) Student name
(5.) Exam center name
(6.) Father’s name
(7.) Mother’s name
(8.) Subject name
(9.) Exam date and time
(10.) Secretary signature
(11.) Student name
(12.) Admit card issue date
(13.) Centre number
(14.) School number
(15.) Enrolment number
Make sure all of the appearing contenders go through the details given on the CGBSE 10th Class Exam Admit Card 2023 carefully and make sure that if there are any discrepancies in their admit card they need to report that immediately to the concerned authority right away. Thanks
How can i access my CG board class 10th admit cards?
Hello students, we understand that you all must be waiting impatiently for the release of the cgbse 10th class admit card. Students can get their respective admit cards from the official website. Alternatively, you can ask the same from the respective school authority.
Can I apply for a change in the exam venue or roll number?
No, the cgbse 10th class roll number as well as the exam venue of the students cannot be changed. It is at sole discretion of the board, whether to make changes, postpone or prepone the date sheet.
Why board examinations are important?
Now to the million-dollar question asked aggressively by the students preparing for the board’s exam. Students, these board exams will serve as an experience where you learn to deal with pressure and find solutions to them.
Always remember that fear is temporary but only success is permanent. Folks, it is an excellent litmus test that gives you a fair idea about your potential. Competition is significant and a fact of life indeed. There is no rescue and escaping it. It is a wake up call for all the partakers to prepare with their might and perform to the best of their ability.
CGBSE 10th Admit Card 2023 | Available Soon |
Official Website | |
This is all we have about CGBSE 10th Admit Card 2023 details. Please drop your comments, suggestions, further queries and suggestion in regard to this post below and get them addressed by the team of experts themselves.
Yes, you can correspond with us using the comment section given below for reference without any hesitation. Our experts are ready to assist you to resolve all your doubts in the most efficient and effective ways.
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Last, but, not least please share this post among other participants as much as you can via social media channels and help them prepare well for the exam in the best possible way.