If a student living in Bihar is searching for his BSEB 10th Class Result 2023, then we have brought important news for him or her. Bihar Board’s big officials have announced that the result of the exam is going to be available soon and for this, all the students will have to go to the official website.
Our page is giving a link to the official site and with this, we are also giving you the right rules, which are very simple from where you will get your Bihar Board 10th Class Result 2023. If you are dissatisfied with your bseb matric result and want to check your copy or if you have to pass again by bringing good numbers in the failed subjects, then immediately it should be taken to the official page of the Bihar Board because this process is only for a short time.
BSEB 10th Class Result 2023

Bihar School Examination Board has started the evaluation of answer scripts and it is likely that the BSEB Matric Exam Result 2023 will be announced in the last week of March 2023. The result will be available online and to check the Bihar board class 10th exam result, the students will have to provide certain details in the login section. Therefore, the students can check the Result of the Bihar board 10th class online.
The marks sheet contains details like the marks obtained by the students, result status, division, etc as the Bihar Board will announce the BSEB 10th Class Exam 2023 Results on its official website. Students will be able to collect the original mark sheet after the result declaration.
BSEB 10th Class Result 2023 Link -> http://stagingmatric.onlinebseb.in/
Note:- Students can write their Roll No and Date of Birth in the Comments Section if they are facing any kind of difficulties in checking their BSEB 10th Class Result 2023.
Bihar Board 10th Class Result 2023
Bihar School Examination Board conducted exams from February 17 to 24, 2023 and around 15 lakh students appeared in the 10th board exams, every year. The board exams were held at around 1,426 exam centers in the state. Last year, the Bihar Board Matric Result was announced in May 2021. We will update the link of results on this page for the convenience of students after the official release.
The result of bseb class 10th will be released online mode on the official website also the details of the results are mentioned in the article. Therefore, in this article, we are giving the details to help the students to gather more and more information regarding the release of the Bihar Board Matric Exam Results.
Bihar Board 12th Class Result 2023
matric.onlinebseb.in X Class Results 2023 Details
Name of Board | Bihar School Education Board |
Name of Class | 10th/ Matric |
Exam Schedule | February 2023 |
Category | Board Result |
matric.onlinebseb.in Release Date | April 2023 |
Mode Of Bihar Board X Class Results Declaration | Online |
Official Website | biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in |
Bihar Class 10th Result 2023 Date & Time

The Bihar School Examination Board has come up with the latest update about the event. As per the latest news, the board will not disclose the class 10 results these days. However, as per the news from various sources, the result is expected to be declared before April 2023. As of now, we don’t have any update regarding the BSEB 10th Results Date & Time from the officials. According to the latest news, we got mixed reports on the release date of results as the officials aren’t ready to announce the precise date and time for the publication of the results.
After the official announcement of the BSEB Class 10th Result 2023 matric.onlinebseb.in Download PDF, the students can access it online. The BSEB successfully conducted the board exams in February. As the exams were wrapped up, the BSEB will now concentrate on paper evaluation. Considering the previous year’s strategy the BSEB will take around a month to disclose the result and guys within this time frame the BSEB carries out the task of script evaluation.
Once the evaluation completes the associated committee decides on the Bihar Board 10th Result 2023 Release Date to convey the result to the students. Once the date is decided the BSEB announces it through a notification then the higher official will declare the toppers’ names along with the marks they have secured.
Content Printed on BSEB Class 10th Result 2023
Bihar Board Matric Result 2023 PDF करने के बाद छात्रों को मार्कशीट में विवरण की जांच करनी चाहिए। क्योंकि स्कोरकार्ड पर छपे विवरण में गलतफहमी/त्रुटि की संभावना है। इसलिए, भविष्य में किसी भी भ्रम से बचने के लिए, छात्रों को सभी विवरणों को सावधानीपूर्वक सत्यापित करना चाहिए। यदि मामले में, कोई विसंगति है, तो उम्मीदवारों को तुरंत परीक्षा नियंत्रक कार्यालय को रिपोर्ट करना होगा।
वे इस लेख के अंत में दिए गए हेल्पलाइन नंबर पर कॉल कर सकते हैं। इसके अलावा, वे व्यक्तिगत रूप से पटना, बिहार में बिहार राज्य शिक्षा बोर्ड के कार्यालय का दौरा कर सकते हैं। इसलिए, उम्मीदवारों की आसानी के लिए, हम अंक पत्र पर दिए गए विवरणों की एक सूची दे रहे हैं। कक्षा 10 वीं के बीएसईबी के परिणाम में निम्नलिखित विवरण शामिल हैं
- Name of the student
- Date of Birth of the student
- Roll number of the student
- Subject-wise marks
- Maximum marks
- Pass or Fail
How To Get Bihar Bihar 10th Result via SMS?

Students can also check the Results of Class 10th BSEB Bihar via SMS and to get the results through SMS, students will have to type the following message and send it to 56263.
BSEB<space>ROLLNUMBER – Send it to 56263
Bihar Board 10th Class Previous Years Result Analysis
Year | Students Appeared | Students Passed | Pass Percentage |
2020 | 14,94,071 | 12,04,030 | 80.59 |
2019 | 16,60,609 | 13,40,610 | 80.73 |
2018 | 17,58,000 | 12,11,086 | 68.89 |
2016 | 15,38,789 | 7,17,999 | 46.66 |
How to Download BSEB 10th Class Result 2023 Online?

- Students need to click on the official website of BSEB and that’s why we have mentioned that the link is the last.
- Now, you can view the section of “Result” at the above of page to tap on that.
- Then, go to “Bihar Board X Result 2023 ” and the next page will appear.
- From there you should get the latest result according to your class and now fill in your roll number or enter your name.
- Afterward, use the key of “Find Result” which will display your result and in a while, you need to get the mentioned tab for the same.
BSEB 10th Class Result 2023 @matric.onlinebseb.in FAQ
When will the BSEB 10th Class Result 2023 be announced?
The BSEB 10th Class Result 2023 will be announced tentatively at the end week of April 2023.
How can a student check the BSEB Bihar 10th Result 2023 Online @matric.onlinebseb.in?
Bihar Board will release the result on its official website biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in and students can also find the link to download the result from this article
BSEB 10th Class Result 2023 | Check Here |
Official Website | http://biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in/ |