If you have applied against the exam which was conducted by the Central Selection Board of Constables (CSBC) Bihar then we will update you about it via this page. Aspirants need certain information like the roll number of the applicant, date of birth of the applicant, or password to download their Bihar police forest guard result. Aspirants you need to keep visiting our page on a daily basis because we are updating all the information related to the Bihar Police Forest Guard Result 2023 from time to time.

After downloading the result every applicant needs to keep it in a safe place for the further selection process. We will provide you with a direct link to CSBC Bihar Van Rakshak Result 2023 Online through which aspirants can easily get their results. So aspirants can check their results from the official website and from here also. Candidates cannot get their results through any facilities like courier or speed post facility, the contenders will get their result through a web pages only.
Bihar Police Forest Guard Result 2023
बिहार पुलिस वन रक्षक परीक्षा के सभी दावेदारों को हमारी सलाह है कि आपको इस लेख को कम से कम एक बार पढ़ना होगा। इसलिए आपको लगातार हमारे पृष्ठ पर जाने और सभी महत्वपूर्ण विवरण प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है। सभी प्रतिभागियों के लिए खुशखबरी है कि Bihar Police CSBC Forest Guard Result 2023 आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जल्द से जल्द जारी होने वाला है। उम्मीदवार इसे आधिकारिक वेब पेज से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। आकांक्षी किसी भी एक सुविधा के माध्यम से अपना परिणाम प्राप्त नहीं कर सकते हैं जैसे कि स्पीड पोस्ट, कॉरियर, आदि।
उम्मीदवार इसे केवल ऑनलाइन मोड के माध्यम से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। जो उम्मीदवार पहले दौर में योग्य होंगे, वे दूसरे दौर की तैयारी शुरू कर देंगे क्योंकि इसे बहुत जल्द लिया जाएगा। आकांक्षी इसे आधिकारिक वेब पेज से या यहां से भी डाउन लोड कर सकते हैं।दावेदारों को अपना CSBC Bihar Forest Guard Exam Result 2023 Online PDF वेबसाइट से डाउनलोड करना होगा क्योंकि पोस्ट करने का तरीका यह नहीं भेजेगा। इस पृष्ठ के अंत में, हमने उस वेबसाइट का लिंक डाल दिया है, जो आपका रिजल्ट भेजने वाला है।
CSBC Bihar Vanrakshak Result 2023 Details
Organization Name | Bihar Police Department |
Name Of The Post | Forest Guard |
Total Vacancies | 484 |
Examination Date | December |
Category | Result |
Result Availability | Very Soon |
Job Location | Bihar |
Selection Process | Written Test, Physical Fitness Test |
Job Location | Bihar |
Official Website | csbc.bih.nic.in |
Bihar Police Vanrakshak CutOff Marks 2023
This article is about the result as the result is very important for the applicants as it helps them to analyze their hard work. We are also trying our best to help our readers in every way possible. The CSBC Bihar Forest Guard Exam 2023 cutoff list is something that everyone wants as soon as possible. Candidates are also advised to share this article with their friends so that they too can get all the information they need. The merit list includes the names of the students who made it to the next round.
Any applicant who is interested in the result can download it from our website. The link will be activated when the results are officially released. Stay in touch with us and you will get every update related to the result. Interested candidates can check their results by the mode online mode only as the authority of the CSBC has released the notice that they will not inform about the Bihar Police Vanrakshak Result 2023 to any contender personally. Thus, at the endpoint of this page, we have maintained the link to the official site which is the only way to download your result.
Bihar Police Forest Guard Admit Card 2023
Bihar Police Forest Guard Expected Cut off Marks
Category | Male (Marks) | Female (Marks) |
Gen | 293.03 | 192.00 Marks |
SC | 267.11 | 152.42 Marks |
ST | 276.27 | 177.33 Marks |
BC | 282.00 | 171.00 Marks |
EBC | 273.00 | 162.00 Marks |
csbc.bih.nic.in Forest Guard Merit List 2023 Download Online
Dear applicants if you are surfing the net for the Bihar Police Forest Guard Merit List 2023 Online PDF then stop it now as it will be declared shortly. Thus, all those contenders who are looking for it can check their results by the link available on this page. During the exam, it was observed that there was an abundance number of aspirants taking the exam so it is not an easy deal to crack it and it can be easily assumed that the decision regarding the result will be harsh.
All aspirants will be able to check their results and only those aspirants will be selected for this post who will obtain the maximum qualifying marks. As such, we have received the information that the csbc.bih.nic.in Forest Guard 2023 Result of the examination given by you is coming very soon, then you should be fully prepared now as if we have given the link here. After this information, whenever the officials make any other important announcement, firstly our page will be successful in giving that information to you, then keep taking your new information on our page.
Bihar Police CSBC Forest Guard – Minimum Qualifying Marks
Category | Minimum Qualifying Marks |
General | 40% |
OBC | 36.5% |
EBC | 34% |
SC / ST | 32% |
How To Check Bihar Police Forest Guard Result 2023
- Visit the official Website @ www.csbc.bih.nic.in
- Now the homepage will display on the screen then search for the Bihar Police Forest Guard Result 2023 Link.
- Later click on that particular link and enter your Hall Ticket Number and other Details
- The CSBC Vanrakshak Result 2023 will be displayed on the screen
- Then Download the result and take a Print out for further Reference.
Bihar Police Forest Guard Result 2023 FAQ
What is the official site to download the CSBC Bihar Police Forest Guard Result 2023?
The official site to download the Bihar Police Forest Guard Result 2023 is csbc.bih.nic.in so guys keep tracking this website for further updates.
What is the Bihar Police Forest Guard Result 2023 release date?
Bihar Police Forest Guard Result 2023 will be released very soon so guys keep patient for some time.
In which mode CSBC Bihar Forest Guard Exam 2023 Result will be released?
CSBC Bihar Forest Guard Exam 2023 Result will be released online mode at the official site.
Bihar Police Forest Guard Result 2023 | Available Soon |
Official Website | http://www.csbc.bih.nic.in/ |
Having any doubt regarding the Bihar Police Forest Guard Result 2023 CutOff Marks & Merit List then share your queries here under the comment box which is managed underneath and get an instant reply from our experts